Course Curriculum for Basic Certificate and Advanced certificate Programmes

I. List of Courses

A. Basic Certificate in Broadcasting                 

1. RTV001 –  English Language  on Radio/TV   

2. RTV003-  Yoruba Language on Radio/TV 

3. RTV007 –  Basics of Radio Presentation

4. PRAD001- Radio Jingle & Documentary Production  

5. PRAD003-  Client Relations for Freelance Broadcasters

6. PRAD005 –  Public Speaking  & Event Anchoring

7. TNMP001- Practical Project

B. Advanced Certificate in Broadcasting 

1. RTV002- Creative Usage of English Language on Radio/TV

2. RTV004- Creative Usage of Yoruba Language on Radio/TV

3. RTV006- Audio/Visual Editing II

4. RTV008- Advanced Broadcast Techniques 

5. RTV010 – Motion Camera & visual Techniques 

6. PRAD002- Jingle & Documentary Production  

7. PRAD004- Client Relations for Freelance B.C

8. PRAD006 – Advanced Public Speaking & Event Anchoring

9. TNMP001- Practical Project

II. Course Description (Certificate)

1. RTV001 – English Language on Radio/TV: The course covers rudiments of English Language and grammar with special focus on appropriate diction and expression on radio. It will also treat the NTBB’s. The major focus of the course is to ensure students not only speak good English on air but also understand how to use appropriate words and expressions for effective broadcast purposes. This will be achieved through class sessions and many practical drills in the studio.

2. RTV003- Yoruba Language on Radio/TV: This course covers the rudiments of Yoruba language including grammar and Yoruba expressions. Special attention will be given to dictions and expressions appropriate on radio. NTBB’s will also be considered. This will help revive the language from gradual extinction it faces now. It will also assist in preserving the local cultural values embedded in the language in line with the new NBC Code requiring 70% of broadcast content to be local and indigenous.

3. RTV005- Audio/Visual Editing: All technicalities of audio recording, editing, embellishment and after effects will be handled in the course.  Students will also be introduced to different editing softwares, laptop is a must for students taking this course. After the course, students will be able to effectively edit audio-visual content for radio, TV and the internet. The course which is fully vocational will empower the students to become entrepreneurs who provide job for themselves and even others. The will be able to edit both live and real events as well as other creative audio-visual productions including jingles, documentaries and broadcast programmes.

4. RTV007- Basics of Radio Broadcasting I: This course includes rudiments of radio broadcasting, types of programme, programming, script writing and radio programme team and equipment. The course will practically focus on broadcast production process andtechniques while also equipping students with broadcast presentation skills, techniques and dynamic. It includes voice audition for broadcast and other performance purposes with heavy and pedagogically arranged studio practical to get students ready for on-air performances even before graduation.

5. PRAD001- Radio Jingle & Documentary Production:This involves rudiments of radio jingle and documentary conceptualisation, scripting, voicing and post-production. The students will be taught the process of getting a jingle done starting from brief, creative conceptualisation, creative strategy, creative scripting, casting, voice-over techniques, production and post production effects. After the course, students will be able to produce jingles for both commercial and non-commercials purposes like social services, programmes, political issues and advocacy promotions agendas.

6. PRAD003- Client Relations for Freelance Broadcasters: It covers marketing and retainership principles and techniques. Issues of fee charging and negotiation techniques will also be covered. The course will systematically take students through the rudiments and practical applications of principles of Customer Relations Management (CRM) which is imperative in the management of both large and small scale businesses. This course will empower out students beyond knowing their onions in their chosen trade to the extent of understanding the spectrum of customer relations for the growth and sustainability of the business profitably.

7. PRAD005  Public Speaking & Event Anchoring: This course will focus on the process and principles of public speaking and working as a MC/stand-up comedian. The focus of this course covers the technicalities of preparing and presenting any form of speech and public speaking. The course involves practical weekly drills in public speaking and event anchoring. It will prepare students to work as protocol officers, corporate spokespersons, speech writers, speech advisors, programme MCs, stand-up comedians and related trades in the industry.

8. TNMP001- Practical Project: Every student must undertake a practical project in an area of interest in the media industry as a mark of programme completion and demonstration skilfulness and productivity in the broadcast media. It could be a series of programme not less than five episodes of thirty minutes or a movie of at least one hour or a documentary of equivalent duration. The student will then submit alongside the production, a short report of how the project was executed and the materials involved. Over all, project copyright belongs to TNM Media Academy not the student.

III. Course Description (Advanced)

1. RTV002- Creative English Language on Radio/TV: The main focus of the course is to take students through flowery use of language on air. This includes English idioms, proverbs, figurative expressions, axioms, maxims, usages, coinages, neologies, connotations and the likes to enrich presentation. It will empower them with adequate vocabularies, native tongue expressions and language competence required to speak spontaneously on air and at all occasions requiring impromptu presentation and responses. This will especially enrich their broadcast presentations and make them attractive to the audience. Since language is the vehicle of communication, this course will make the student a complete broadcaster who speaks at ease to appeal to the ears of the audience.

2. RTV004- Creative Yoruba Language on Radio/TVThe main focus of the course is to take students through flowery use of language on air. This includes Yoruba idioms, proverbs, figurative expressions, axioms, maxims, usages, coinages, neologies, connotations and the likes to enrich presentation. It will assist the students to perceive Yoruba as a rich language which is more appealing to the psychology of native audience than foreign languages. They will listen to, write and present broadcast materials in beautiful but standard Yoruba language. Students will also be practically taken through different Yoruba dialects and the effect of their deliberate and undeliberate use on the programme and its presenter.

3. RTV006- Audio/Visual Editing IIAll technicalities of audio-visual recording, editing, embellishment and video fitting will be handled in the course with more attention on after effects techniques.  Students will also be introduced to different editing soft-wares, laptop is a must for students taking this course. This is an advanced version of RTV005. It stands as part of the vocational strength of the TNM Media Academy. By experience, some students prefer behind the camera skill and roles to actually being an on-air personality. This course alone is enough to make them independent and uniquely indispensable in today’s highly technology-driven media industry.

4. RTV008- Basics of Radio Broadcasting IIThis course goes a bit beyond the rudiments of radio broadcasting. It should also expose students to television presentation skills and techniques. Apart from exposing students to types of programme, programming, script writing and radio programme team and equipment, it will also give attention to ethics and law of broadcasting especially as contained in the NBC Codes. It will expose the students to the legal and ethical aspects of broadcasting to fortify them against falling victims of litigations and conflictinginterests while practicing their profession. 

5. RTV010- Camera Handling Techniques: Basically, the course will expose students to still and motion camera operations, handling, techniques and trouble shooting. Issue of camera setting, trouble-shooting, lighting, camera focus, camera angle, camera shots, camera movements and camera mounts are some of the important aspects of the course. This course will make them full-fledged multi-purpose camera men. This is also an independent vocational skill that will reduce the number of job seekers among youth. 

6. PRAD002- Jingle & Documentary Production:  This involves rudiments of radio and TV jingle as well as documentary conceptualisation, scripting, voicing and post-production. It should assist students to handle jingle and documentary production from start to finish. They should be taught how to take brief and developing creative strategy from the brief. All techniques of advertisement and documentary production are part of the skills in this course. After the course, students will have acquired necessary practical skills to be able to produce jingle and documentary for both commercial and other purposes. 

9. PRAD003- Client Relations for Freelance Broadcasters: It covers marketing and retainership principles and techniques. Issues of fee charging and negotiation techniques will also be covered. The course will systematically take students through the rudiments and practical applications of principles of Customer Relations Management (CRM) which is imperative in the management of both large and small scale businesses. This course will empower out students beyond knowing their onions in their chosen trade to the extent of understanding the spectrum of customer relations for the growth and sustainability of the business profitably.

7. PRAD004- Advanced Public & Speaking & Event Anchoring: Beyond the rudiments of public speaking, the course will involve speech writing and rhetoric principles. The course involves practical weekly drills in public speaking and event anchoring. It will prepare students to work as protocol officers, corporate spokespersons, speech writers, speech advisors, programme MCs, stand-up comedians and related trades in the industry. It will make students to function perfectly and effectively at any public speaking context. Issues relating to stage fright, speech delivery techniques, audience analysis and speech therapy will be involved.

8. TNMP001- Practical Project: Every student must undertake a practical project in an area of interest in the media industry as a mark of programme completion and demonstration skilfulness and productivity in the broadcast media. It could be a series of programme not less than five episodes of thirty minutes or a movie of at least one hour or a documentary of equivalent duration. The student will then submit alongside the production, a short report of how the project was executed and the materials involved. Over all, project copyright belongs to TNM Media Academy not the student.


Programme Durations 

Basic Certificate –                13 Weeks

Advanced Certificate-          13 Weeks (plus 4 weeks media internship for non-practitioner)

Diploma –  ​         3 Months (plus 4 weeks media internship for non-practitioner)

Contact Hours

The contact hour per course weekly is three hours: one hour theory and two hours for practical. Therefore, the contact hours for each student per week is 21 hours. So, to complete the certificate courses (Ordinary or Advanced) is 336 hours in 16 weeks (4 month). Examination will take four weeks.

For diploma programme which is ten months, the teaching-learning period is 36 weeks (9month), the contact hours are 108.

Course status and Units

All courses are compulsory except in the case of PRAD003- Client Relations for Freelance Broadcasters which will be waived for a student who started with TNM Ordinary Certificate Programme.

Concerning course units, all courses are 2-unit points except TNMP001- Practical Project which is 4-unit points.